Thursday, April 10, 2008

Shout to the Lord - American Idol style

I don't know if you all saw this last night on American Idol...but I was totally blown away by it! Yes, they took out the word "Jesus", but you can't help but know, this is a powerful song about our gracious savior and Lord!!


Strauss House said...

I was so sad that they "neutralized" it. At first I was like, "they're gonna sing WHAT?!!! As in 'My JESUS, my Savior'?? But I should have known they wouldn't actually praise Jesus' name on prime time. :o( Beautiful song, but I wish they wouldn't have left out the best part. :o)

Sooo close, but so far...

Kami said...

I was really awestruck when I saw this. I love that they sang it, but it was very unexpected. I think I sat there with my jaw to the floor for a good minute. But really? Replacing "Jesus" with "Shepard"?! People!! And how could they kick Michael Johns off?!!

Sara Shearer said...

The second night for the results show they sang Shout to the Lord again! Can you believe it!? They kept my Jesus in this time. Maybe it was a oops??? I like to hope they ment to say Jesus the first show but got confused. :) Here's hoping, but thankful they corrected it for the second show. I love hearing our Jesus being praised!

Abby said... gives me a lump in my throat to hear it on Prime Time. I love it!! It makes me think of the song, "One day EVERY tongue will confess you are Lord, One day EVERY knee will bow....but still the greatest treasure remains for those who gladly serve you now." It's like we just got a little glimpse of that.....but they will all be saying the name of JESUS that day!!

Alicen said...

I'm still in shock.... Yes, they DID start with "My Jesus" on Thursday night. I'm hoping that A.I. got a lot of resonses from the Christian viewers about it???

It was a double shock to see Michael Johns being voted off.... w's up with that???!!!