Thursday, April 10, 2008

A prayer challenge

One of my fantastic village sisters told me about how prayer has been changing their family! - so, I want to challenge you all to pray with your husbands when he gets home from work! These past few days when Ben has come home in the evening and we've both had an exhausting day, we've been taking a few minutes as a family to stop, hold each other, and pray! We pray that our focus would be on Christ and that He would help us to love each other this evening. We pray that our conversation will be glorifying to Him and that we would delight in Him and with each other during the evening. We pray that His presence will be felt! It has totally been like a fresh breath of air in our home!! It makes sense...because we've both been separated by the world, him with work and me with the kids/errands/discipline/etc. We have been working on different, when we stop and pray it allows us to reconnect our spirits to become one again. Usually when daddy comes home we kiss/hug for a sec and then everything switches to auto-pilot and time to get dinner made, the kids fed, bathed, and to bed! Whereas now, it seems there is peace, a purpose and more joy in our home. I thank God for being faithful and answering our prayers!! - so, I challenge you too to try commit to it! When your husband comes home tonight from work, grab him, hold him and pray a blessing upon him, pray for your attitudes and your evening! - and then let me know how it goes!! :)


Sarah Glos said...

Thank you for the encouragement! We will definitely try the family prayer in the evening. Derek and I always spend 30 min - 1 hour in the morning together (either in worship, prayer or discussion) but I agree that we can turn our auto-pilot on in the evening. Thank you!

Strauss House said...

Amen! Prayer together is soooo huge, especially after (often) crazy days apart. Thanks for the encouragement and always bringin' in back to Jesus! :o)

Unknown said...

wow, what a blessing and an encouragement! I couldn't agree more. Thanks for sharing :)