Sunday, October 5, 2008

A Lost Summer Video

I'm going through the videos on our little digital camera today and found this one! It's from this past summer at Todd & Stacie's's hilarious! (well, to us it is) We still don't know why Easton does this (yes, he still does this every once in a while)!! It always makes us laugh...maybe that's why he does it!! Anyway, I thought I'd share.


Strauss House said...

so funny! what a cutie.

BETHANY said...

All three of ours do/did that. Even once they're walking. We call it "the bulldozer". :)

Alicen said...

it's nice to know that other babies do this too. my littlest does this at times & i was beginning to wonder if he was going to be a 'special needs' kind of a child. ;) ha ha j/k. sometimes, he just likes to stand on his feet & head and look through his legs.... we call this the tripod stance. so funny... the stuff they do! keep up the good work easton! what a cutie pie you are!

Marion Acres said...

lol, what a cute video. :) Isn't play time with Dad fun