Saturday, September 22, 2007

Our Fairy Princess

Raquelle decided she wanted to go outside in her princess skirt to pick up rocks!! She is such a little tom boy, but loves to also be a princess!! A perfect combo for me...since I love to play in the dirt too.

A cute story for you all...our neighbor Tom has a motorcycle (of which Raquelle is totally intrigued by). We were out on the freeway when we saw a girl on a motorcycle drive by. I said, "Look Raquelle, there's a girl on a motorcycle just like Tom's!" She then said, "I want to be a Tom-girl and have a motorcycle just like her when I grow up!" I thought that was made me laugh thinking of how Tom-girl fit in that sentence perfectly in a couple ways! :) She is soo sweet!!

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Wow. I REALLY love these! And I'm glad I know you tolerate me being a copy-cat, because I'm already envisioning a day in the not-too-distant future where Kendra goes for a walk among the fall leaves in her matching tutu, with me and my camera in tow... ;0) Keep up the inspiration! Love you!
-Jamie :0)