Monday, March 24, 2008

A praise and a prayer request...

Well, we have ggggrrreeeat news, and a prayer request! We just received a full price offer on our house!! Yes, can you believe it!!!??? - two weeks with only having one "for sale by owner" sign in our front yard and one on Capitol Hwy! God is sooo good!! - it's crazy that it's happened so fast...which is why we're a little unprepared!! The couple that put the offer on our house was actually the first couple that stopped by and they absolutely LOVE it!

The prayer request is that we find another house within two weeks (that's the time limit they gave us before the offer expires)!! We're having a hard time finding something that is 20 minutes from Ben's school, in our price range, and that doesn't need a ton of work! :) We'd hate to let go of a full price offer, but if we can't find something else to buy, we'll have to! So, pray for us...we'd appreciate it!! :) We'll keep you posted!


AshlandFive said...

Wow Jess! That is so great! It's so funny how the Lord works things out. You wouldn't expect something so fast in this market...but you do have a gem! I know that He has a plan and I will pray He gives you wisdom. I am excited for you guys. Love Ya!

Strauss House said...

Awesome! We'll be praying - We know God will work things out and His will is always best! :o)

Jamie said...

WOW! Could you just rent while you keep looking for the new house? You CAN'T pass up a full price offer in this market!!? ;0) How exciting!

Unknown said...

good thing it's a buyer's market right now! I said a prayer for you guys- whoa stressful with two little bambinos!! We are putting our house up on the market very soon, I would die if we got a full price offer so quickly! What a blessing!!

Alicen said...

That's awesome! What a wonderfully blessed predicament! I know the Lord will work out perfectly! I will pray for peace and God's clear guidance for you guys!!

BETHANY said...

Yikes! A good "yikes" though. :) Praying that you'll have wisdom in decision making and a peace about how things turn out.

Sara Shearer said...

That's just plain awesome. You are in my prayers in this packing and moving time. Please let me know if I can help in any way.