Monday, December 3, 2007

Easton's stats are in!

We had Easton's 6 month well-baby check up today! He's in the 50th percentile for pretty much everything! He's close to 70th for height. He weighs 17lbs 5oz and is almost 28"long. The doctor said he (and I quote), "is perfect!" :) I think so too! The doctor notice his top two tooth-gums are swollen, so he should be getting his top two teeth here pretty soon! :( Plus, he had to get FOUR shots today too...poor little guy - it's tough to grow up! He didn't like that much, but after he settled down, fell right to sleep on the way home. Raquelle got her flu shot today, LOTS of shot! BUT, she did sooo good - not one tear! She grabbed her blankie when all was done, but didn't cry! I was so proud of her! - mommy would have cried - I HATE shots! :) Here's a pic of the kiddos playing on the couch the other night...looks like Easton knows how to give "wet willies" in Raquelle's ear! Got to have one pic for the post! :) Hugs to all!

1 comment:

Jillian Weiss said...

I can't believe she didn't cry! Easton is a cutie.