Monday, December 22, 2008

The shoveling begins!

The shoveling has begun! Ben went out to get the driveway ready for the van if we ever get out of here! :) So, the kids and I decided to head out to "help" him! :) We just played in the patches he had shoveled because 10" is a bit too deep for the kiddos. Plus, I can't find any gloves for poor little, we weren't out there very long because the "sock-gloves" I made him kept getting wet. I put him in his little car (which he LOVES), to save his hands...but he still managed to eat lots of snow before his hands turned a sweet shade of crimson! :) Here are a few pics of the morning we enjoyed!
A "chair" for our kids to sit in...10" makes the perfect height! :)

His favorite type of ride...when we push him!
See how sad he is (above) when we don't push him! :)

I said, "Easton, show me your teeth!" :) eeeeee

1 comment:

Kami said...

What beautiful pictures, Jessica!! It looks like you guys are making the most of this snowy weather.